Monday, September 17, 2007

A Positive Perspective

Eugene Peterson, the author of The Message, The Bible in Contemporary Language, calls Paul's letter to the church at Philippi (Philippians), the happiest book of the Bible. Why? Because in it you can sense Paul's sheer joy that has come from Christ alone, in the midst of his difficult circumstances. Paul was truly happy in his life, in his faith, in his ministry and he wanted to pass it on.

I know there are some people who are annoyed by positive thinking, positive words. I have been accused by some of being too "excited" about my ministry and the ministry of COFS, possibly because I use the word often. But then again, if I am excited, so what? Isn't that the point of living, to enjoy the work of Christ in our lives? And to celebrate what God is doing in the life of the church?

I'm guilty...of being easily excitable, of enjoying the joy that Christ brings me every day, of encouraging the church to feel the same way, of wanting the church to catch the Spirit of what Christ is doing in our midst. I'm in good company of great positive people who have discovered the joy of the Lord.

But then again, why aren't we all this positive? Thinking of who and whose we are, loved and forgiven children of God, we should be the happiest, most positive people in the world! Our lives are lived in the power and beauty of the grace of God! We have every reason to rejoice, which is exactly what Paul's message is to the Philippians AND to us!

He summed it up nicely like this...

Alive, I'm Christ's messenger; dead, I'm His bounty. Live versus even more life! I can't lose. Philippians 1:21, The Message.

Neither can we!

Have a happy day!

Peace ><>

1 comment:

Constant Reverence said...

I love getting excited over the possibilities of the future as well as the potential of the present. I do find plenty of people though who probably feel it's rainy out every day (you know what I mean). I feel sorry for them most of the time, but at the same time sometimes they help me be more realistic about ideas and thoughts, they bring me back down to earth. If I want to be an effective friend and christian then that might be useful as well so long as I'm able to have the reverse effect on them from time to time.

I suppose it's a matter of balance and making sure those closest to you help in that, so as not to drag you down or let you keep your head in the clouds too long.