Friday, October 01, 2010

Day 34 - John 4 & 5

I've always loved the story of the woman at the well. It's so Jesus to be where the outcasts will be, to engage those who are used to being alone and ignored, to bring the lonely closer to the inner circle.

It's also about real life.

O sure, it is about the life that Jesus gives and that is the most important aspect of the story, but it's also about the real lives we lead; the messes we create or that are created for us and the lives that are created through them.

We are often defined by what has happened to us.

You remember Sully? Captain Sullenberger was the pilot that landed the airplane on the Hudson river in New York City a couple of years ago. You didn't know him before that. He flew hundreds of planes, and many thousands of passengers without hardly being noticed...until that day when a hero did the impossible. Now you know him as Sully the Hero! And it just happened, without a plan, without his fore-knowledge.

How about Lindsay Lohan? You might remember her for her many roles in family friendly movies like the remake of the Parent Trap or Herbie the Love Bug? (or several others) But you'll more likely always remember her for drug addiction, her wild partying, the headlines on the Enquirer! Sure some of what has happened to her was her own fault, but some of it was the circumstances of her tragic life as a celebrity. I'm sure if you asked her, she wouldn't have planned it this way!

I know most of us won't relate to either of these people, not really, yet there is something about their lives that seems familiar. How unexpected circumstances can define who we are.

And it is precisely here that Jesus meets us, at the center of our truth; our life as we know it.

Jesus said, "Look no further, don't wait any longer, I am the Messiah." Your Savior! He's dipping into the well of living water ready to pour it into you, to establish a life-giving and never ending spring of life in you!

Right when you need it the most.

Peace ><>

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