Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Lent #24 (Tuesday, April 1)

Many years ago our family went through a series of challenging events one right after another. Peggy was ill, her mom had cancer, I was in my last semester in seminary finishing my Senior Project (Thesis), a good pastor friend (in my small group) was suffering from pancreatic cancer and I was preparing for my interview with the Board of Ordained ministry. All of this was happening at the same time. Then my friend passed away and on the day of his funeral was my ordination interview (in the same church!), Peggy had surgery that didn't go well. Her mom passed away a few weeks later. I received an unfavorable report on my senior project from my advisor (which was not the final step and was ultimately approved  couple of weeks later).

Yet through all of this Peggy and I kept saying, "it could be worse." In fact most of the time we kept thinking, "when is the other shoe going to drop?" We watched and assisted others go through things that our struggles couldn't compare with and we kept pushing forward thinking we weren't very strong, that God must be protecting us from the really difficult circumstances.

We felt like we were blessed.

Then someone pointed out to us our journey (above).

We hadn't thought of ourselves as suffering. We hadn't considered that we were somehow like Job with tragic one thing piled on top of another. We didn't even think any of this really difficult at the time. It was just our muck and we trudged through it feeling blessed.

Looking back on it now it makes me tremble. It was too much. Yet I cannot shake or discount the feelings we had that God was leading us through this journey. It was God who provided our strength, our care, our every need...and while we trusted that God could do that, I hadn't even considered that it was actually happening to me, to us!

We discovered that we were truly blessed.

Not because of what we had, but because we made it through with God's help.

God of mercy, may we be blessed today, not because of what we have or acquired, but because of what you give to us, your grace and presence and help in the midst of trouble. Help us see your hand at work, your blessing, on us. Amen.

Peace ><>
Pastor Chris

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