Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Lent #30 (Tuesday, April 8th)

Psalm 51:1-17

Why is it we always have to fix things? You've probably used the phrase, "if it ain't broke don't fix it." But if it is broken, we either repair or replace it. We take medications for every ailment, and symptom no matter how minor, even risking worsening our health with the side effects all because we don't like being "broken."

But broken isn't always a bad thing.

A broken spirit is my sacrifice, God. You won’t despise a heart, God, that is broken and crushed.” (Psalm 51:17, CEB)

Broken spirits are harder to fix anyway and can reveal something about our weakness, our selfishness,  our own wills that may just be contrary to what God's is for us.

We are like horses that way.

For a horse to be useful it needs to be broken. It's its wild streak that needs to be removed, its will broken and replaced with a teachable one. Then it can be ridden, worked, petted, loved, and...

...love in return.

Not only does God love us especially when we are broken, God helps us to love more because of it.

Yes, being broken changes us and our usefulness, but in a good way.

A God way.

Prayer: O God, take my broken spirit as my gift to you, my broken and crushed heart take into your hands and comfort it, so that I may experience more of your love to me, in me and through me. Amen.

Peace ><>
Pastor Chris

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