Thursday, May 15, 2014

NUMC Vision Series #1

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing some insights and possibilities about our shared Mission and Vision. Watch the NUMC Network e-news and my blog for more details.

The NUMC Mission is Growing Passionate Disciples

We believe the local Church is to be the presence of Christ in the world, where God's kingdom is
made known, entered and experienced. Newburgh United Methodist Church is a part of that kingdom and embraces the mission of the United Methodist Church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

This statement reflects nearly 190 years of ministry for Newburgh United Methodist Church. Since the time John Sprinkle set foot on what is now Historic Newburgh, a group of Methodists have gathered, worshiped, and made disciples of Jesus Christ. Today, Newburgh United Methodist Church has 840 members and gathers more than 600 unique individuals for worship each month. It's a great testimony to the faithfulness of its members over these nearly 2 centuries. It's also a great responsibility to continue in this legacy of ministry, mission and vision.

That's why we have been on a journey of sorts, to envision how the next chapter of our history may be (or could be) written. 

We believe... the local church. It's where Christ is made known, how Christ is loved, and through which Christ is served. If people are to meet Jesus, they have the greatest chance to do so in the local church. Whether that is here in Newburgh or around the world, Jesus chose his disciples and then sent them to establish communities of faith so that where two or three are gathered, there Jesus is among them; among us at every turn. We believe the local church to be a slice of the kingdom of God, because it is where Jesus rules. He is our focus, our anchor, our foundation and where he sent his Spirit to teach, to convict, to heal, to gift, to nurture and bear us! 

We believe that while the Christian faith is established within individuals, it is meant for community, nurtured in community, grown in community, strengthened in community. It's why we spend so much time and effort in developing times, events, and spaces for us to gather as community for worship, for friendship, for fellowship; where we can chat over a cup of coffee, sing together along with the choir, the organ, or worship band, sit together with our opened Bibles and have frank conversations about what it means for us today, and console and encourage one another through life's joys and travails.

We believe that when we gather like this and teach our children to gather like this, to tell how the ancient stories still speak to our lives today; that Jesus is not simply a historic figure, but the living God who lives not exclusively in some untouchable heaven, but within each of us, then something changes, community transforms and the kingdom of God becomes real. And instead of the church being a building or campus where the people simply gather, it breaks out and infects the larger community.

We believe the church is the place for the transformation of the human heart, the Newburgh community, and the world!

I know it may sound trite or even a bit presumptuous to think that the church can change the world, but it's not my words or my vision, it's Jesus'! And he's called us to partnership in this great journey. We believe we can change the world!

All around us are people whose lives are filled with bad news. (or even neutral news) The good news is we have the Good News to share with them that they may not even know they want or need.  The mission field for Newburgh UMC is not somewhere out there, but right here in Warrick (and surrounding) counties. It's in the workplace, the shopping centers, the gathering places, and the schools of our community. It's the neighborhoods surrounding the church campus and the ones surrounding our many members. It's the people who live next door and even within the walls of our own homes.

It's here that we will help people become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ, who will know Him  fully, love Him wholly, and serve Him genuinely...

...and it begins with me...

...and you...

...and we'll see the world change before our very eyes!

Peace ><>
Pastor Chris

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