Now, I wanted to talk to our builder and ask why it was taking so long. I mean, why can't our project happen just like on TV?
You've probably seen the program, Extreme Home Makeover. Ty and his crew "surprise" a family (who all happen to be conveniently home at the time of the crew's arrival), send them on a vacation (usually to Walt Disney World), and then proceed to plan, tear down, and build a house in an hour (okay, it's actually a week, but still...). And I'm not talking tearing down one shack to put another. I'm talking big, expensive homes, with all the trimmings of pools, landscaping, fountains, etc. And when the family returns home from their vacation they find a massive crowd and the big reveal extravaganza.
What a difference a week makes.
So, here we are 2 weeks into the project and it's not done! There are no walls, roof, carpet, anything that looks like a building. What's taking so long?
Okay, so I'm not crazy. I know that there is TV magic going on, the same way that TV chefs magically finish a perfect meal in 30 minutes. (except for Rachel Ray, who can actually do it! :) And I don't expect our building to be done in a week.
Yes, there are significant things happening each week and I'll expect to see some changes each week, but there's something good about waiting patiently, even though that's not my most treasured gifts. (in fact I'm not sure it's one of my gifts or not!) Waiting is good for us.
Waiting allows God to work in God's time.
Waiting allows us to live in to changes, to God's plans, to circumstances surrounding us.
Waiting allows the mind and heart to catch up with actions.
Waiting allows for knowledge and wisdom to be used for decision-making.
Waiting allows for more possibilities.
Impulsivity often leads to mistakes, poor choices, shoddy work, etc.
So I'm glad our building isn't done yet. We're not quite ready for the space or the ministry it will provide.
And I'm glad God makes me wait because the outcome is always better than when I charge ahead in my own time.
So whatever you are anxious for...wait for it...
...and you'll rarely be disappointed.
Peace ><>
I don't mind waiting, unless you hire union construction who on average take longer to finish their projects due to their scheduling of priority and various prostests at non-union work sites.
I am sure the additional patience can be used for useful means such as meditation and contemplation on what ministry this new space will provide.
My family was telling me the new addition was started. I look forward to seeing the progress next time I am up there.
Below is a youtube link to a music video by Moby that I really like. I think most that read or potentially read this blog would find it interesting. If any watch it let me know what you think.
You may recognize the song from other artists. It is a remake.
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