Are there things in this world that still surprise you? I saw the latest picture from the refurbished Hubble Telescope the other day. It was an incredible image of 3 Milky Way-type galaxies that looked like they were in a sort of orbit together.
The amazing thing is, these images are not pictures of something that happened long ago, rather they are still images of the creative process in action, galaxies in process! The creation is still being formed, altered, recreated, perfected.
Did you know that this is exactly what God is doing with you?
Yes, God has created, but is still working. While the scriptures say that God rested on the seventh day, that doesn't mean God is still resting! There is an active role God is playing in all of Creation still today. Listen again to the Psalmist's words,
"All the creatures look expectantly to you to give them their meals on time. You come, and they gather around; you open your hand and they eat from it. If you turned your back, they'd die in a minute - take back your Spirit and they die, revert to original mud; Send out your Spirit and they spring to life - the whole countryside in bloom and blossom." (Psalm 104:27-30, MSG)
No, God is not finished with us. We have been made by God's hand, but we are also still being molded, perfected... God's creating hand.
Prayer: My life is not exactly as I have made it or wanted it. There have been many things happen to make it what it is. Mold me, God into the image you have for me. Don't take your Spirit from me, but send your Spirit and give me new life. Amen.
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